Posted on Thursday, January 20, 2011

what ive done so far

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Thursday, January 20, 2011

This is mainly for me to look at and see what iv'e done for my project so far, you don't need to read this.


- List of every cut that need to be storyboarded.
   - Storyboarding should be done this weekend, ready for presentation, no need to go back and look over, every scene has been accounted for and written down. Except end scene which isn't scripted in original star wars anyway.
- List of everything that needs to be created.
   - this includes fire and smoke.
- Visual style and references for how i want it to look.
   - many many many referenced images - for environment, characters, pod racers, fast and furious cars, rockstar games images (texture reference), tunnels.
   - found my texture.
- sketches and drawings have begun.
- story is finalized.
- low poly base mesh model - first attempt created.
- 1 pod racer is 3/4 complete - done before hand.


- possibly a mood board of styles and references
   - Id rather just print screen my folders of images as creating an actual mood board holds no significance to me, it only presents what iv'e looked at nicely, which is in no way helpful to my production timeline, i would rather just show the images, and move onto real work.
- Storyboard.
- make the presentation
- Project plan
   - A schedule of some sort, to help me sort out what needs to be done by when so i don't go over the deadline.