Posted on Monday, January 17, 2011

stuck in 2 minds

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Monday, January 17, 2011

ok so im going backwards a bit now, i have 2 different ideas for how i can do this project.

idea 1 - the same way i have explained, slightly cartoon-y with a 3D modeled environment.

Idea 2 - a bit more tricky, but if i was to texture my pod racers how i had originally done it (if you go back a few posts you can see my original pod racer almost complete)

but then use a live action background i.e photo's of a city. This could be very useful, and look a lot more realistic, as i could use Nottingham city centre for the race track. The only fall back would be camera movements. If the background was a picture, then obviously the camera would have to be still, otherwise the background would just move with the camera (unless the picture was massive and i panned across it).

The only solution i can think of would be to simply have a lot of cuts, meaning no camera movement itself, but lots of different angles (would mean i need a LOT of photos).

And for any extra scenes where i want a close up of the pod or racer in motion (the scene where the 2 pod racers are talking to each other for about 2 seconds) i can simply make a 3D environment, as it would be motion blurred anyway, and hopefully i can match it as close as possible to the actual environment.

Thats my thoughts, enjoy.