Posted on Friday, January 14, 2011

influences/inspiration for style of my animation

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Friday, January 14, 2011

I haven't fully explained my story, but i will share some ideas of how i want my animation to look and feel. Because (and im aware this hasnt been told) my animation will be within a game sequence and then end with the camera zooming out of the tv and someone is playing the game, i want it to still be visually good, but with a slight game essence (not the best quality, bit blocky maybe) so when it zooms out of the tv and shows the player playing the game, that scene will be better quality and seem more life like.

So the main animation will be slightly pop arty with that rockstar games, GTA feel to it, i dont want the bold colours that pop art uses, but the simplicity mixed with the shadows, like in most rockstar games, texturing isn't of the highest quality, but it works, for example...

So this kind of, partially realistic effect, where i believe more focus is on lights and shadows and the animation itself. This look could be achieved with the ink n paint texture, but with a lot of tweaking and getting it accurate to the look i want to achieve. But as mentioned this style will be for the in game part of the animation, the short scene at the end will be more realistic so define the difference between game and player.

I still haven't decided on exactly how i wish to style this scene, wait for another post...