Pod race scene - update
ok so im around 4 weeks into the project, which is scaring me because the work i have produced so far doesn't seem enough, then again its still pre production in my head, im still designing particular parts before i model.
In the past i have gone straight into working in 3D, but i want to get my workflow correct and professional. I am still doing 3D work as i sketch out designs though.
I have begun making another base mesh for the creatures, i think i can use the same base for all 5 drivers, but i want another big character for the guy who hits the gong at the start.
I also tried some lighting tests today, i built a simple environment, but then i got lazy and didnt do any lighting, il do it soon.
as far as pod racers go, i still haven't completed the first one i posted a while back, but as i said, still designing ideas, so once every design is complete, it should be easy to work from, rather than finding what i like in 3D.
so thats where i am right now, im also learning zBrush on the side, for me.
iv'e begun modelling some of the smaller parts of my scene, this is the iPad which is going in my scene for like, 2 seconds.
what ive done so far
This is mainly for me to look at and see what iv'e done for my project so far, you don't need to read this.
- List of every cut that need to be storyboarded.
- Storyboarding should be done this weekend, ready for presentation, no need to go back and look over, every scene has been accounted for and written down. Except end scene which isn't scripted in original star wars anyway.
- List of everything that needs to be created.
- this includes fire and smoke.
- Visual style and references for how i want it to look.
- many many many referenced images - for environment, characters, pod racers, fast and furious cars, rockstar games images (texture reference), tunnels.
- found my texture.
- sketches and drawings have begun.
- story is finalized.
- low poly base mesh model - first attempt created.
- 1 pod racer is 3/4 complete - done before hand.
- possibly a mood board of styles and references
- Id rather just print screen my folders of images as creating an actual mood board holds no significance to me, it only presents what iv'e looked at nicely, which is in no way helpful to my production timeline, i would rather just show the images, and move onto real work.
- Storyboard.
- make the presentation
- Project plan
- A schedule of some sort, to help me sort out what needs to be done by when so i don't go over the deadline.
i say first attempt, the first 2 times i tried to make a guy, i kept trying to bevel in some abs, but it failed, so i started over, so this is my 3rd attempt, nothing special, just a simple model.
stuck in 2 minds
ok so im going backwards a bit now, i have 2 different ideas for how i can do this project.
idea 1 - the same way i have explained, slightly cartoon-y with a 3D modeled environment.
Idea 2 - a bit more tricky, but if i was to texture my pod racers how i had originally done it (if you go back a few posts you can see my original pod racer almost complete)
but then use a live action background i.e photo's of a city. This could be very useful, and look a lot more realistic, as i could use Nottingham city centre for the race track. The only fall back would be camera movements. If the background was a picture, then obviously the camera would have to be still, otherwise the background would just move with the camera (unless the picture was massive and i panned across it).
The only solution i can think of would be to simply have a lot of cuts, meaning no camera movement itself, but lots of different angles (would mean i need a LOT of photos).
And for any extra scenes where i want a close up of the pod or racer in motion (the scene where the 2 pod racers are talking to each other for about 2 seconds) i can simply make a 3D environment, as it would be motion blurred anyway, and hopefully i can match it as close as possible to the actual environment.
Thats my thoughts, enjoy.
I was using my existing pod racer and a quick street scene i created to get an idea for how i want it to look in style. So i re textured my pod using Ink n Paint and got the style of paint i want to make it look quite similar to the theme i mentioned earlier. so as far as texturing it i think i know what i want to do, but there was a MASSIVE problem, and that is the lighting situation, Ink n Paint seems to have a lot of problems with lights and shadows and stuff like that, even with a lot of paint levels, there was no depth in the scene, 1 light would illuminate the entire scene rather than the part i wanted, and that is a problem if i want it to look like night time, so im going to need to do a lot of research on either how i can get accurate lighting with this material, or find a way of making normal textures look slightly cartoon-y, which seems like the more obvious option, so we will see.
This is similar to how i want it to be textured, its still a bit cartoon-y, but im working on it, this style could even work, but we will see how it goes.
pod racer - extract from Wookieepedia
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pod racing - extract from Wookieepedia
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