Posted on Monday, December 07, 2009

next summer

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Monday, December 07, 2009

I emailed an animator named John Hedley who's based in manchester, he's been doing work for over 25 years and after watching his demo reel, he's very good.
He emailed me back telling me that we can sort something out for next summer holidays for me to go and experience an animation studio so im thrilled about this, we don't do official work experience till second year but being me i like to be 1 step ahead, and i believe working with or just watching John Hedley in his studio will be a great experience for me, i cant wait.
Here is his show reel of the work he's done :)

John C Hedley, Showreel 2009 from John C Hedley on Vimeo.
Digital Animator John C Hedley's Showreel for July '09. Will be updated as new work comes in and the new edits are made. All work shown entirely or partially created by J C Hedley.