Posted on Wednesday, December 16, 2009

End of Module 1 and 2009

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I began multimedia in october, i have now finished the term and the first module of the course, having successfully completing my presentation today which went very well, i am very pleased with how it went and i felt very proud of the work i had done and am happy with the feedback i received.
As a general sum up of the year, i am very happy with everything, i love my course, i love the work we've been doing and am looking forward to learning more and doing a lot more work, i cant wait till 2010 and the second module, but first holidays, which I'm even more excited about as i get to go home and do nothing but play PS3 and eat. I lie, thats not all ill be doing, I'm building a PC with my cousin, hopefully a very good PC as i want to progress in animation, so its going to be a very powerful PC, or at least have to ability to build further when i get better at animation.
I will also spend some time doing possibly 1 more Flash, if not that, then another Pixilation, and possibly a one shot film. I mainly want to do at least a pixilation piece, I don't think the one shot will be too hard to do.
As I said, a very successful year on my half i feel, I'm very happy and cant wait for the next 3 years ahead of me.