Posted on Tuesday, December 22, 2009

new favourite architecture studio

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Tuesday, December 22, 2009

This is Bjarke Ingels, a danish architect talking at TED, look at the amazing structures his studio are planning and creating. I love where the ideas come from too. His company 'BIG' (Bjarke Ingels Group) are by far one of my favourite studio's regarding architecture, and i also have to say their website is very cool aswell, check it out.

Posted on Saturday, December 19, 2009

Studio aka

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Saturday, December 19, 2009

Studio aka are the designers who did the new orange ad with the random crazy characters, i loved this ad but randomely came across this studio and found out they did it. They have done a wide range of commercials for big clients like lloyds, guinness, orange etc.
You can see all their work on
I think their stuff is amazing, i love the orange ad, and if you haven't seen it, here you go...

Posted on Saturday, December 19, 2009

Avatar and Paranormal Activity

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Saturday, December 19, 2009

I had to put this in capitals...
Avatar was amazing, from an animation point of view it was the next level, it was definitely the next step up in CGI and was truly incredible. Storyline was very good too, it kept me interested throughout the 2 hours 40 minutes of the film, it didn't drag on at any point, there was constantly something changing. I'm not going to do a film review because that's not what i do, i do graphics and animation, and from that point of view, the animation was truly inspirational and shows the level of work i have to achieve in my future line of work.

Paranormal Activity is supposed to be the scariest film of all time.
not at all, it was terrible, such a bad film that was not at all scary, possibly because half the time i was thinking of how they did certain scenes. But i didnt get into the film fully. I do like the fact that it is possibly the most profitable film of all time, with a $15k budget, and a gross revenue of $141M (as of 19th dec, 2009)

Posted on Thursday, December 17, 2009

existing flash websites

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Thursday, December 17, 2009

im looking at existing flash sites and ive come across a few really cool ones which I thought id share...

Posted on Wednesday, December 16, 2009

my own sites

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Wednesday, December 16, 2009

as well as blogger, ive now begun work on my own website -, using the flash knowledge i have il be making a flash website, still going through planning right now.
I also have an online portfolio with, a site for designers to show online portfolios and get in touch with companies and agencies and other designers, its very good, i just got accepted as there is a waiting list and you need to be accepted by the company before you can get a website. I just got accepted so im beginning my behance portfolio at

Posted on Wednesday, December 16, 2009

End of Module 1 and 2009

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I began multimedia in october, i have now finished the term and the first module of the course, having successfully completing my presentation today which went very well, i am very pleased with how it went and i felt very proud of the work i had done and am happy with the feedback i received.
As a general sum up of the year, i am very happy with everything, i love my course, i love the work we've been doing and am looking forward to learning more and doing a lot more work, i cant wait till 2010 and the second module, but first holidays, which I'm even more excited about as i get to go home and do nothing but play PS3 and eat. I lie, thats not all ill be doing, I'm building a PC with my cousin, hopefully a very good PC as i want to progress in animation, so its going to be a very powerful PC, or at least have to ability to build further when i get better at animation.
I will also spend some time doing possibly 1 more Flash, if not that, then another Pixilation, and possibly a one shot film. I mainly want to do at least a pixilation piece, I don't think the one shot will be too hard to do.
As I said, a very successful year on my half i feel, I'm very happy and cant wait for the next 3 years ahead of me.

Posted on Monday, December 14, 2009

Mondo Mini Shows

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Monday, December 14, 2009

This group make some of the funniest, most random cartoons i've ever seen, i love them. I've watched nearly everything they've created and have been watching for quite a while but thought i should expose them to my blog. Mondo Media is the Internet's leading multi-platform distributor of ad-supported animation for teens and young adults. They made Happy tree friends, Dr. Tran and loads more amazing cartoons, all created in a different way or style of animation. Happy tree friends alone boasts over 900,000 online members. I think the variation in animation technique is what makes them so unique and appealing to me, 'happy tree friends' is a completely different style of cartoon than 'Dr.Tran' or 'Baman Piderman'. The first video is an episode of Happy Tree Friends, im not the biggest fan as its a bit gory for me but its still entertaining. The second video is of Dr.Tran and i have to admit i love Dr.Tran, its amazing. The third video is of 'Baman Piderman', the most random cartoon based on batman and spiderman, but i also love it because its so different. watch more on youtube or

Happy Tree Friends - Out on a limb

Dr Tran - The fruit hat

Baman Piderman - Made da cards

Posted on Monday, December 14, 2009

I got bored and thought id have some fun

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Monday, December 14, 2009

Not the best, but it didn't take long, and i was bored

Posted on Friday, December 11, 2009

Module 2

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Friday, December 11, 2009

I have to say... im VERY excited about the virtual environments project, we create our own secret lair for our own superhero! how cool is that, im very eager to learn 3ds Max, but i do have to wait till after christmas till we begin the projects.
I currently work on mac but i WILL be getting a PC over christmas, hopefully a high performance PC... with 2 screens so i can connect my ps3 when im bored... geek.
I really want to get started on this secret lair, and i will probably start generating ideas over the holidays, i cant just do nothing.

Posted on Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Posting Comments on my Blog

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Ok i didn't realize there was actually a problem with my blog but posting messages under things i post wasn't working, I've got it working now but its in a pop up window.

so just to clarify, you can all comment on things in my blog now.

good times

Posted on Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Pigeon: Impossible

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Tuesday, December 08, 2009

I found this on a third years blog and i loved it, i keep telling myself I'm going to make a movie about a pigeon, in the future, because i love them, and here is an amazing animation about one. Its done by Lucas Martell and obviously a load of other people with a budget of less than 10k, i love it.

Posted on Monday, December 07, 2009

next summer

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Monday, December 07, 2009

I emailed an animator named John Hedley who's based in manchester, he's been doing work for over 25 years and after watching his demo reel, he's very good.
He emailed me back telling me that we can sort something out for next summer holidays for me to go and experience an animation studio so im thrilled about this, we don't do official work experience till second year but being me i like to be 1 step ahead, and i believe working with or just watching John Hedley in his studio will be a great experience for me, i cant wait.
Here is his show reel of the work he's done :)

John C Hedley, Showreel 2009 from John C Hedley on Vimeo.
Digital Animator John C Hedley's Showreel for July '09. Will be updated as new work comes in and the new edits are made. All work shown entirely or partially created by J C Hedley.

Posted on Monday, December 07, 2009

our one shot film

Filed Under (,) By Peyman Salehi at Monday, December 07, 2009

I am quite happy with how it turned out, obviously it was a group attempt overall so i cant be picky, but generally quite happy. I do want to make another 1 on my own over the holidays on my own, but here is our groups one shot film.
And to anybody who speaks iranian, i apologize for my accent, i know its bad.

Discussions for a film idea... in 4 Languages from Peyman Salehi on Vimeo.
this is a film me and my group made for a one shot project. its our first attempt at a film so obviously its no masterpiece. the idea was to create a one shot film in 1 minute, without moving the camera off the tripod, so we could pan it, but thats about it.

Posted on Monday, December 07, 2009

very brief summary of my past 9 weeks of rotation

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Monday, December 07, 2009

Flash narrative - loved it
Pixilation - loved it
One shot film - loved it

I will explain in detail at a later stage, probably once we break up for christmas.

Posted on Monday, December 07, 2009

One Shot Film - editing

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Monday, December 07, 2009

I am supposed to begin the editing on tuesday after showing the groups film, pre-edited, to the teacher... woops, well i like to be ahead of the game, so i took home the footage, and have spent hours editing it for myself, if the rest of the group wants to use the film the way i edited then im happy but i wont say no if they want to edit it themselves.
The editing process was fine, i enjoyed it, i had a feel for how i wanted it to go and developed it as i did it, i didn't plan it, i just went with the flow and developed further till i was happy. I think i may add music to the credits, but i quite like the silence at the start and end.
Im currently waiting for it to upload onto Youtube, its taken 2 hours so far and only half processed, this could be because i didn't compress the video, its full quality, but it will be worth it.

Posted on Sunday, December 06, 2009

Sixth Sense Technology

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Sunday, December 06, 2009

this is an amazing invention, bringing real life and technology together in everyday life, i was shocked at what is possible, just watch the video, its incredible.

Posted on Friday, December 04, 2009

Assassins Creed 2, Lineage - the making of

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Friday, December 04, 2009

Here is a video of the making of the short film that will accompany Assassins creed 2, the film is to give the player an insight into the character and his background, so when your playing as him, you already know a bit about him, you understand what he's doing through another medium, and your familiarized with the story. It is a very clever concept, and as mentioned in this film, its only the start of something big, bringing the 2 mediums of film and game and making it so you need to have watched the film to understand parts of the film, its very clever.

I also love how everything in the film has been digitally created except for the characters and some props, and yet when i watched the film I had no idea, i honestly believed it was a real set, really is incredible.

Posted on Friday, December 04, 2009

future investments...

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Friday, December 04, 2009

Im stuck, because Im around 90% sure I want to progress into animation, but looking at existing animation studios and what people work on, it seems PC is the preferred choice of hardware, possibly because of the ease of upgrading and making them powerful enough to work with animation and render files etc.
I have a mac, had one for around 3/4 years, i love it, its my child, i wont be letting go of it, but it seems as though i may have to invest in a PC, this doesn't mean goodbye mac, it just means I'll have both and be using my mac for everything, and PC for animation things.
obviously this is something i need to consider for the future, i don't really need a PC now, but maybe a summer job is in need so I'm ready for second year. I should probably add Big desk to the shopping list too.

Posted on Thursday, December 03, 2009

1 day, i will work for pixar

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Thursday, December 03, 2009

I admire everything Pixar does, and working for them is my ultimate goal, unless i was to go 1 step further and start my own company. They are an amazing company, they make the most imaginative and creative pieces of motion picture, i don't believe it is just for kids because i enjoy the films more than any child, so if you want to call me a child go ahead, but they make brilliant films.
I really wish they hadn't disabled the embedding on their Youtube page so i could post some of their work, especially the short films they have.
Anyway, i love pixar, and dreamworks, they're top.

toy story 3 trailer :)

Posted on Thursday, December 03, 2009

filming finished :)

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Thursday, December 03, 2009

my groups one shot film finished the filming process today, over 100 minutes of footage for 1 minute, pretty much all of it being outtakes/general bad acting on my behalf. yes it was today that i officially learnt i can't act, or i can try but i laugh a lot of the time, so thats 1 setback in my future acting career...
i do feel i took charge of the filming process, i was critical and told people if they were doing anything wrong. Everybody had equal participation obviously. it was a fun day for sure, now i need to put the film on the computer and get ready for editing, which i will enjoy too.

Posted on Wednesday, December 02, 2009

over the past 2 days

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Wednesday, December 02, 2009

I have booked the Sony Z1 and tripod, all ready for filming our groups one shot film tomorrow, i'm still not going to say what our film is because i like the element of suprise. im hoping it turns out how i imagine it in my head, all together as a group i feel we work well, we all get on well and put in an equal amount of effort, i do feel a bit bad for laura read because she wasn't there on the day we sorted out the story or script so i feel she may feel left out but i will try and make her just as involved as everybody else. I am known in my group as the one who speaks a lot, i do tend to tell people what to do, im happy with this responsibility.

I have also progressed a lot on my essay, i just need to write the conclusion and i should have a first draft ready for friday when i show my tutor, it isn't as hard as first thought, but i haven't written the conclusion yet so we will see, but i think i understand what im writing.

Posted on Tuesday, December 01, 2009

New pixilation idea

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Tuesday, December 01, 2009

ok, as I have an essay and a presentation to do for 2 weeks time, i wont be doing this pixilation now, il do it in my own time at home over christmas, just for fun.
Im going to make a music video using some action figure/doll, I was originally thinking of action man doing the migrane skank, just because that would look funny. Maybe a transformers group video, Ill think of something, but I will do it.