Posted on Monday, March 29, 2010

PC troubles - GONE

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Monday, March 29, 2010

All my PC's troubles are gone, Im a genius what can i say. This means im back to building my secret lair, which i will be continuing to build for a while.
I have to say im still regretting not designing a better lay out, iv focused a lot more on practicing everything on 3DS, so my lair may not be the best or craziest layout, but Ive tried to make it as real as possible with materials and lighting, and i feel i have a good grip of the software.
I practiced doing an animation with a pool table, just to test what i could do, i wanted all the pool balls to fall onto the table from the sky at different times, but i couldn't get the bounce sharp enough when it hit the table, it just looked like an anti gravity pool table, I would have shown it on here but i haven't saved it, i got annoyed and just deleted everything haha.
Anyway, its easter holiday, and its me, so get ready for either no work on this blog in the coming 2 weeks, or a lot of 3D models, depending on how i treat my holidays, enjoy.