Posted on Monday, March 29, 2010

PC troubles - GONE

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Monday, March 29, 2010

All my PC's troubles are gone, Im a genius what can i say. This means im back to building my secret lair, which i will be continuing to build for a while.
I have to say im still regretting not designing a better lay out, iv focused a lot more on practicing everything on 3DS, so my lair may not be the best or craziest layout, but Ive tried to make it as real as possible with materials and lighting, and i feel i have a good grip of the software.
I practiced doing an animation with a pool table, just to test what i could do, i wanted all the pool balls to fall onto the table from the sky at different times, but i couldn't get the bounce sharp enough when it hit the table, it just looked like an anti gravity pool table, I would have shown it on here but i haven't saved it, i got annoyed and just deleted everything haha.
Anyway, its easter holiday, and its me, so get ready for either no work on this blog in the coming 2 weeks, or a lot of 3D models, depending on how i treat my holidays, enjoy.

Posted on Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thunder Tank

Filed Under (,) By Peyman Salehi at Thursday, March 25, 2010

Its been a while since i watched thundercats, I used to watch it constantly, as with every other cartoon i watched as a child, always in front of the tv.
Im going to try and create the Thunder Tank in 3D over the holidays, as part of my secret lair, i still have loads to do on the secret lair but as i said, my PC is down so i have to wait a while, but when its back and running, Im going to make the Thunder Tank, in memory of my love for the thundercats, and also the sword of Omens, which was Lion-O's sword, which i had a toy of as a child.

Posted on Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I am in love with this site of animations, they are done in a very unique way where the characters are dolls but the eyes and mouths are put in after wards, it looks hilarious, it is hilarious, and it works so good. They just look funny, and even with little movement, just the facial expressions seen through the eyes and mouths it still amuses me. It is very much about dialogue as there is very little movement, i love it, check out the website please.

I actually cried with laughter at this scene.

Posted on Sunday, March 21, 2010

SONAR by Renaud Hallee

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Sunday, March 21, 2010

 I dont know what it is but i really enjoy these very simple looking animations which are very closely created in sync with the music, i just love how it moves according to the sound, i posted something similar in style earlier, and again I find this 1 just as entertaining. enjoy.

Rhythmic cycle w/ abstract animation.
Basic keyframe animation using flash, without scripting.
Official selection :
Annecy International Animation Film Festival
Sommets du cinéma d'animation de Montréal : Quebec-Canada
Festival des Films de la Relève

Posted on Sunday, March 21, 2010

3D 5 week rotation

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Sunday, March 21, 2010

Im entering the last week of the 3D module, i still have a lot to do before its fully finished, but as i mentioned in the previous post, I cant work on it for now, so Im going to talk about it.
As a practice module to get us to understand 3DS MAX, I believe I have succeeded in understanding the software and what its possibilites are, and what i can achieve if i progress in the 3D specialism.
As far as learning the software goes, i think i have learnt a lot in the short space of time, I believe i am making some pretty decent models considering my lack of experience and more importantly im enjoying making them.
I do believe i could have been a lot more creative around the designs of what i have made, a lot of other people have gone very crazy and very creative with designs whereas ive designed things that are pretty ordinary, but just look very realistic, I havent expanded my creativity, Ive gone for a more realistic approach, which i feel is a downfall on what i have created.
I have learnt a lot of different aspects of the software though and i feel i have a good aspect of the specialism to make a clear choice for next year.

Posted on Sunday, March 21, 2010

PC troubles

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ok ive had some PC troubles, viruses to be specific, so i cant do any 3D work until i go back home over easter, which means a week of no work on my own PC, i can still go into uni to do some.
This has annoyed me and angered me but im going to try and be as productive as i can in other areas as i cant do 3D.
- Im going to draw.
- Im going to read up on my visual essay practitioners.
- Im going to blog more.

Posted on Saturday, March 20, 2010

Disney's open source texture mapping

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Saturday, March 20, 2010

Iv just read about Disney's new texture mapping system which is available as open source, Ptex is available for everybody to access the in house software.
Ptex the software allows texture mapping without the use of UV's, Ptex applies a separate texture to each face of a subdivision or polygon mesh, so less hassle when it comes to complicated texturing an object, which after my few weeks of experience working in 3D, i would find very useful.
And whats even better about the software is that it is free, as mentioned. why would Disney do this? well heres an extract from the article explaining why.
""Probably one of the biggest questions that people ask us is, 'Why is Disney doing this'?" offers CTO Andy Hendrickson. "Part of the open source strategy is that there is a lot of software that a studio builds and a lot of studios build the same exact software over and over, and certain parts of that software are not part of our secret sauce in making images. Certain parts of it make sense in sharing it with other people so we all don't have to recreate the wheel. Now Ptex is one of those that is unique, novel and groundbreaking. But, ultimately, it would be better to share than hold in-house because it helps all of our folks in the industry so much more and we get such good will than keeping it private. So we decided to do that. And in the process, we looked at other pieces of technology, and thought these would be better to share than to keep in-house also. Right now the only other one available is Pythoscope (a unit test generator for programs written in Python), but we're hoping to have a couple more done in time for SIGGRAPH."
You can check out this Disney software on their website, under open source.

This image shows the texturing done without the explicit use of UV's, even in close detail you can see, there are no seams, it is a flawless texture map.

Posted on Friday, March 19, 2010


Filed Under (,) By Peyman Salehi at Friday, March 19, 2010

ok, i looked at desert eagles when designing this gun, but i just did my own thing and changed it a bit.
I dont know much about guns, i dont play COD or shooting games, so im sorry if its not good.
They are all the same model, just different colours/materials, a brush metal silver one, a gold gun and a matte black and red 1.

Posted on Friday, March 19, 2010


Filed Under (,) By Peyman Salehi at Friday, March 19, 2010

This took too long, im not entirely happy with the shape, but its my helicopter, enjoy.

Posted on Saturday, March 13, 2010

im re showing you dr.tran

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Saturday, March 13, 2010

just because i love Dr.Tran, its actually my favourite cartoon on youtube, ive watched all the episodes many many times, im addicted.

Also, i really want to make a flash cartoon, i dont think it would be as hard as coding, it would be more about the motion and animation etc, so im going to attempt a flash cartoon, hopefully reaching a selection of cartoons, having a fanbase on youtube, get famous, get rich.

Posted on Saturday, March 13, 2010

ARK by grzegorz jonkajtys

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Saturday, March 13, 2010

I enjoyed the lifelike realism in the movement and the hands especially, the environment was also realistic. I do believe the features of the faces were very realistic, but in a non realistic way, the faces do not have that life life look, but have that believability.
When it does close up on the hair or eyebrows, they do look very wirey and thick and not very realistic.
A very creepy film, but when i was watching this i focused more on the realism and believability in the movement and features and camera movement. enjoy.

Posted on Saturday, March 13, 2010

1925 aka hell by Max Hattler

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Saturday, March 13, 2010

This was interesting, i watched it till half way before i realised it was looped, which made it even more interesting for me, even if it had looped for 10 minutes i probably would have watched it, but limiting the overall time to its length was good. It is a good representation of what 'hell' could be in the form of a never-ending repetitive world but also with it being 1925, its an observation of the industrial era, the mechanical repetitive movements that just keep going on in this 'hell' like world.

i wrote all that off the top of my head without reading it so if it doesn't make sense or if its wrong, sorry.

1925 aka Hell (by Max Hattler) from Max Hattler on Vimeo.

Posted on Saturday, March 13, 2010

shooting range.jpg

Filed Under (,) By Peyman Salehi at Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange

Posted on Saturday, March 13, 2010

mountain top.jpg

Filed Under (,) By Peyman Salehi at Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange

Posted on Monday, March 08, 2010

In between ends - Alex Glawion

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Monday, March 08, 2010

i came across this video, and I loved it, its creepy but also very beautiful, in an eery way, its strange, and i cant completely understand the story, but i think its about the cycle of life, im not too sure, just enjoy it, i did.

Posted on Friday, March 05, 2010

relaxation room in progress

Filed Under (,) By Peyman Salehi at Friday, March 05, 2010

Posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010

so who is my lair designed for you might ask...

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Thursday, March 04, 2010

have you asked this? i dont know, have you? you havent asked me, you may have asked yourself. do you want to ask me? go ahead... ill wait...

well im glad you asked, my superhero, is not a superhero, my secret lair is still a secret lair designed for a superhero, but the person to whom it belongs, is not a superhero, aha, why you ask...

well, i wanted to be different, and i need to become a lot more imaginative in creating characters.
I didn't want to make a crappy character like computerman, or bag man, i wanted something special, and for now, i dont have that creativity flowing through me, im focusing more on the lair itself, so something i thought would be different, is the following, here is my character...

My guy is a wealthy man who has decided on a slight change in his life, he was a business man, now hes living in isolation within a mountain, and slowly training himself to become a superhero like the superhero's he idolized as a child.
He doesn't have any superhero's, but he has people who work for him in his secret lair as he is quite wealthy, which includes a martial arts expert who is teaching him  the ways of... some form of martial arts.
Since its all made up, he also has yoda teaching him the ways of the force, why not.
He wants to help the world like his childhood hero's, batman, superman, etc.

He is currently unknown to the world as his superhero/wannabe status, as he isnt there yet, but he is trying.

Thats my character, i have a very wide imagination as you can see...

Posted on Wednesday, March 03, 2010

sneak peak to some more things im making

Filed Under (,) By Peyman Salehi at Wednesday, March 03, 2010

A couch as part of my 'relaxation room'

An Abstract artistic looking statue of a penguin, because i like penguins, made in marble.

The big round table for meetings or general sitting in a circle type events.

Posted on Tuesday, March 02, 2010


Filed Under (,) By Peyman Salehi at Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Thought I'd make a samurai sword encased in a museum type presentation thingy, as part of my weapons room / training room, its not finished yet, i still need a better wooden texture for the case, im not happy with its colour, but im happy with the way the sword has rendered.

I have more to show, but in due time.