Posted on Sunday, November 22, 2009

'finding inspiration' feedback

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Sunday, November 22, 2009

I have shown my lamp movie to quite a few different people, and I've generally received good feedback about it, a lot of people have just generally told me its very good etc, but I wanted some criticism and so that's where the tutorial came in. I showed my work to my small tutorial group, and still received good feedback. Before I showed them the film, i asked them a few questions in which they would give me some real critical feedback, such as; "was it long enough?" "Did the animation run smoothly?" "Are you able to tell what the story is?" "does the music fit?" etc.

After showing the film, i feel i got good reactions from the group, i didn't see anybody with a look of disgust, and everybody seemed to give me positive feedback, they felt it went smoothly, the story was clear enough towards the end, they said that the music did fit but i felt like i could have found some sound effects for the character to have. The group did tell me that the ending could have been a bit longer and the character could have shown a bit more excitement once he found the bulb, and i think they agreed with me on the sound effects part too.

Overall I'm happy with the feedback i received off my group and off friends and family, and im happy with myself for what I made because it did take a long time to do and I'm happy it turned out how i wanted, and considering it was my 3rd attempt ever, i think i did quite well. I will be making another 1 before the 9 weeks rotation is over, and hopefully i can make something twice as good.