Posted on Saturday, May 01, 2010

visual essay

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Saturday, May 01, 2010

everyone else seemed to be posting about it, so i thought il update you too.

as you may already know by looking through my blog, im creating my visual essay in the form of a 3D exhibition.

its coming on ok, ive got the layout and im not going overboard with textures for an easier render, its not about the exhibition itself its also about the content, so a simple looking place will still work and hopefully be as effective.

ive got a lot of content sorted on the practitioners, but i need material for the introduction to me and the conclusion, which im finding a bit difficult because i wanted to show very early drawings from my childhood which had a link to my practitioners, but instead im going to have to work with my more modern work that ive done before uni up until this point in my life.
This isn't bad, i can show a variety of different things (photography, graphics - type and images, 3D, Film etc)

Im currently rendering the movie room of the exhibition which is where i will show existing work of the practitioners through the use of video, ill upload this soon so you can have a sneak peak at my essay and how it may look.