As a group we have now started the 5 week film project, we have been given a script, which we then have to twist and re-create, develop it and make our own film out of it, with only a bit of leniency.
My groups film is about loneliness, depression and all that shiznit, basically about a girl who never gets noticed, and there are various scenes within the film, set in different locations, where she is proven, that yes she actually isn't noticed by anybody. very sad story, bit boring maybe but its what we have to work. The group and I have decided on taking a more scary approach to this film, still keeping the sadness but a bit eery and messed up, and since I have been chosen as Editor (official role) i'm going to try my hardest to make this film look as dark and freaky as possible.
As i mentioned i am the Editor, Josh Crooks is the Producer, Janos Hammond is the Director, Will Blackburn is the Camera Operator, and Ulisse Razzini is doing Sound. As editor i will be working closely with the Director in production, then my main role will develop further in post production where the film is edited together etc.
Because we have specific roles, we are not allowed to act in our own film, so the search begins for a female to play our leading character, but for now we have to get together and organize locations, scripting etc.
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