Posted on Friday, December 04, 2009

future investments...

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Friday, December 04, 2009

Im stuck, because Im around 90% sure I want to progress into animation, but looking at existing animation studios and what people work on, it seems PC is the preferred choice of hardware, possibly because of the ease of upgrading and making them powerful enough to work with animation and render files etc.
I have a mac, had one for around 3/4 years, i love it, its my child, i wont be letting go of it, but it seems as though i may have to invest in a PC, this doesn't mean goodbye mac, it just means I'll have both and be using my mac for everything, and PC for animation things.
obviously this is something i need to consider for the future, i don't really need a PC now, but maybe a summer job is in need so I'm ready for second year. I should probably add Big desk to the shopping list too.