Posted on Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Today we begin... One shot film

Filed Under () By Peyman Salehi at Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I'm excited, I love films, creating a film is always fun, even with little experience. I have had some practise in film studies and media studies A levels, so I like to think I bring some knowledge to the team.
We have been put into groups, but I can't complain, I'm happy with the people I'm with, everyone seems up for it and as eager as I am (even if I don't show it in person). I do feel I speak most out of the group, not in a cocky know it all manner, more because I'm generally talkative and loud, so not that bad, I am the kind of person who ends up taking control to do things my way, so I should learn to hold back a bit and let everyone have equal input. (That's pretty much me warning my team incase I get carried away).
we are now beginning to draft ideas and eventually begin emailing eachother our ideas, which can be developed on, but now its just the 'discovery' phase. Our team is meeting on friday, so until then its generating our own ideas to bring in to eachother.
No full ideas as of yet, but I am starting to find bits in films that I feel I could work with, and I do randomely get ideas in my head, but by friday I should have some solid starter ideas/stories written down.
Thankyou for listening.
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