The animation completed today and so was not able to be presented to my final tutor group. I am not happy with the outcome and my tutor realized this throughout development.
The animation is not near finished and will not be finished in time for the actual SEGA deadline, so I am further developing my animated piece in time for the university deadline.
The main stadium has been fully created and textured, I rendered a high resolution image to present to the group of which the group tutor was happy with both the modeling and lighting of the scene. The image was more to show what I have created, as the image shows the scene In day time, and the finished animation will be presented at night time, so the lighting will different.
The manager is fully suited and rigged, and a walk cycle developed, the tutor group seemed a bit happy with the cycle but some made comments on the suit he was wearing in that It was a bit feminine, as was the walk cycle, so i need to make changes to the way he walks as well as the suit he is wearing to make it look more manly and characteristic of the manager. Also, another test render of an animation was produced, I created a quick exterior scene of a big stadium, un-textured, and In pieces, and the previous scene I created with textures from inside the stadium, and presented to the group, 3 ways or possibilities for how It should animate, feedback was essential on this, and I received the feedback necessary for further developmental work.
animation test within rain scene
3 building construction possibilities
Tutorial Feedback
Artefact Rain test
Artefact 1 progress part 2
my first artefact is a still image from the movie crazy stupid love, this is an ambient occlusion styled test render of the work so far. the finished scene is at night time with rain and will hopefully portray a lot more mood and atmosphere.
I presented the temporary stadium with lighting and textures, an idea of how I want the final outcome to look like, feedback again was really good and I'm happy with this look. character development will need to begin soon as it’s a part of my work I'm not comfortable with, so the sooner i begin the more time I have to develop it.
Modeling on the first stadium has begun, I showed the park style stadium to my tutor group with good feedback as to how it should look. I also began production of animating styles by creating a temporary stadium with lights to see not only how it would animate, but how the lighting and textures would look In the environment I Intend to make, this will be shown next week.